Meth rehab cost

The average cost of meth rehab is from $7K for 10 weeks of intensive outpatient treatment up to about $20K for inpatient rehab. Ideas on how to reduce costs here.

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The average cost of meth rehab varies from from $2,000 to $7,000 for a few months of intensive outpatient treatment compared to about $20K for one month of inpatient rehab.

So, how can you reduce these costs? Ideas on how to reduce costs as well as what does into them here. Then, we invite your questions about the cost of/paying for meth rehab at the end.

What’s the cost of meth rehab?

The exact cost of meth rehab is difficult to pin down. Generally, inpatient meth rehab can cost from little to nothing per day to thousands of dollars per day. The actual cost of meth rehab is often determined by a number of factors, including:

  • the type of treatment
  • length of treatment, and
  • services provided during treatment

Particularly, the length of time a person spends in a program will also effect the cost of meth rehab. Traditional 28-day inpatient rehab programs, for instance, will cost less than more extensive inpatient rehab programs that can last up to a year.

Furthermore, the cost of inpatient meth rehab is generally higher than the cost of outpatient meth rehab. Inpatient treatment costs include expenses such as extensive treatment, meals, and boarding. High end inpatient meth rehab facilities will also cost more due to their spa-like amenities, such as massages and fitness rooms, will also cost much more. Meth detox services can also increase the cost of inpatient meth rehab.

Outpatient rehab, on the other hand, is usually much less expensive. Individuals undergoing outpatient meth rehab will not be required to pay for accommodations. In fact, the main cost of treatment in an outpatient program usually cover the cost of therapists and group leaders.

However, don’t base your decision about type of treatment on cost alone. Inpatient meth rehab may be necessary to get you into a positive environment where you can relax and focus on self-development.

Average cost of meth rehab

According to a third party study conducted in the early 2010’s, the average charge for a 28-day inpatient rehab program was a little over $19K. This same study states that the average cost of a 10 week intensive outpatient program was about three times less, about $6800.

Almost no one who enters meth rehab will pay this full price out-of-pocket, however. The cost of meth rehab is typically offset by medical insurance plans and medical assistance. Many rehab facilities offer a sliding scale fees based on a person’s ability to pay. And government subsidies and programs offer more access to meth addiction treatment now through voucher systems and affordable healthcare insurance than ever before.

What is meth rehab like?

What to expect during meth rehab treatment? The experiences that most people experience during meth rehab varies depending on the type of rehab programs they participate in. Inpatient rehab is a little like summer camp on steroids. Outpatient rehab is similar to continuing education classes combined with therapy. What can you expect from each?

Inpatient meth rehab – Inpatient meth rehab programs require that you reside in the rehabilitation facility during treatment. This change of environment often helps you avoid the temptation of taking meth and gives you a chance to focus on recovery.

While there, you live with and go through treatment with others. Enrollment is rolling, so each person tends to be at a different phase of treatment. Treatment methods include psychotherapy, the use of prescription medications, and counseling sessions.

Term of residency can also vary; traditional inpatient meth rehab usually lasts roughly a month, while intensive inpatient rehab can last from three (3) months to a year.

Outpatient meth rehab – Outpatient meth rehab is often recommended for individuals with less severe addictions or those with high motivation for change. It can also be used AFTER inpatient rehab. However, outpatient rehab requires strong committment and support systems in order to be successful.

During outpatient meth rehab, a person is not required to reside in a rehab facility. Instead, they will regularly attend daily or weekly counseling and therapy sessions. The main benefit of this type of rehab is that people are able to live at home, stay with their loved ones, and continue working. Outpatient meth rehab, however, can last from several months to several years.

Cost of meth rehab questions

Taking the first steps toward meth rehab can be quite scary, especially if you’re unsure of how to pay for treatment. Fortunately, there’s a great deal of help available, even for people who can’t afford expensive treatment.

If you’re still unsure how you’ll cover the cost of meth rehab, questions can be left below in the comments sections. We’ll do our best to answer all of your inquiries and help you get treatment you need.

Reference Sources: Office of National Drug Control Policy Fact Sheet: Cost Benefits of Investing Early In Substance Abuse Treatment
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Cost Offset of Treatment
SAMHSA DASIS Report: Alcohol and Drug Services Study (ADSS) Cost Study
SAMHSA: The ADSS Cost Study: Costs of Substance Abuse Treatment in the Specialty Sector
NIDA: Is drug addiction treatment worth its cost?
NIDA: Drug abuse magnitude


About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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